First Bite #127 – December 08, 2020
Pediatric Dysphagia Via Teletherapy
(.1 ASHA and AOTA CEUs) For more info, click here.
Course Description
In this episode, Michelle is joined by Madeline Raatz, Senior Speech-Language Pathologist from Children’s Health Queensland…yes that Queensland…from the land down under! In case you missed it, Michelle and Madeline tackled the Evaluation and Treatment of PFD in Episode 11 of “Talking Theletherapy: A Speech Therapy Podcast” at the start of the worldwide pandemic. Today, they are back for an expansion of the initial ideas, to provide strategies to overcome the barriers of treating a PFD via teletherapy, as well as to celebrate the victories and benefits of teletherapy. Enjoy this hour that unites the globe in embracing telepractice evidence for PFDs!
By the end of this PodCourse, participants will be able to identify and describe:
- Factors have you needed to consider when adapting to provide paediatric feeding services via telepractice.
- Different ways clinicians can integrate telepractice into their paediatric feeding service provision.
- Barriers and benefits you’ve identified when offering telepractice services.

Madeline Raatz
Madeline Raatz is a senior speech pathologist at the Queensland Children’s Hospital (Brisbane, Australia) and is currently undertaking her PhD at The University of Queensland. Her PhD, supervised by Professor Elizabeth Ward & Dr Jeanne Marshall, aims to investigate the validity and reliability of using telehealth to provide paediatric feeding services.