First Bite #71 – October 22, 2019
Psyched about Psychology and Feeding!
(.1 ASHA and AOTA CEUs) For more info, click here.
Course Description
In this episode, Michelle is joined by the dynamic Dr. Robert Fisher, Pediatric Psychologist, who specializes in research and practice of pediatric feeding disorders! Have you ever wondered what exactly a psychologist on a feeding team does? Have you been worried that they force a bite? Or been concerned that they use mind control superpowers to encourage PO intake? Well, then let Dr. Rob put those comedic fears at ease as he presents the vital role a psychologist has in treating the child holistically, engages families and caregivers in a positive encouraging manner, and provides evidenced based strategies to encourage PO intake, as well as functional strategies to support carryover between feeding therapy sessions. This is one mighty powerful hour of awesomeness!
By the end of this PodCourse, participants will be able to identify and describe:
- The roles and responsibilities of the psychologist on the pediatric feeding team.
- 2 strategies that psychologist may use when treating a patient with a pediatric feeding disorder and how they can incorporate it into their treatment tools.
- 2 strategies to assist families/caregivers with improving consistency of carryover strategies between feeding therapy sessions.

Robert M. Dempster, PhD
Rob Dempster is a pediatric psychologist whose research and practice focuses on children with feeding challenges. He works with patients ranging from birth to 18 years of age, using a variety of treatment modalities and settings including outpatient, inpatient, and an intensive treatment program. He has published multiple articles related on topics such as the experiences of parental anxiety related to feeding in children with congenital heart disease, inpatient interdisciplinary management of complex feeding disorders, and the cost-effectiveness of intensive interdisciplinary treatment for feeding disorders. He has spoken nationally on these topics at the American Academy of Pediatrics, North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, and the Society of Pediatric Psychology national conferences. Dr. Dempster is passionate about treating feeding challenges collaboratively and bringing together people from multiple disciplines to enhance the lives of children with feeding challenges and their families.