First Bite #6 – July 17, 2018

You want to breastfeed, but wait, I’m the SLP?!? Part 2

(.1 ASHA CEU) For more info, click here.

Course Description

The one and only Miss Abby Bishop, MA CCC-SLP CLC, is back for her second interview with Michelle! In this episode, we take a closer look at what is covered in a lactation evaluation and when/where referrals are warranted.


By the end of this PodCourse, participants will be able to identify and describe:

  • 3 strategies for facilitating feeding/swallowing skills at the breast.
  • 2 questions to ask regarding PMH of breastfeeding and its impact on bottle feeding/PO intake later on.
  • 3 resources for referrals/support for treating an infant whose mother would like to continue breastfeeding.


Abby Bishop, MA CCC-SLP

Abby Bishop graduated from Kent State University’s undergraduate and master’s program in speech language pathology in 2008. She began her career working with geriatrics in skilled nursing, but shortly after took a contract placement in Aiken, SC working with pediatrics in natural environment and outpatient clinic settings. After that placement, she relocated to Beaufort, SC and has worked outpatient pediatrics at the local non-profit hospital for the last 7 years. Just recently, she transitioned to home health to allow her more schedule flexibility since returning to work after the birth of her first baby. Abby’s primary interests are in late language emergence, motor-speech disorders in the under-3 population, and feeding/swallowing disorders in all populations. She pursued her certification in lactation counseling in 2015 after receiving several referrals for swallowing disorders in infants whose mothers reported early weaning due to supply issues. She is currently working toward growing her practice to serve more breastfed babies.