First Bite #147 – May 11, 2021
All things SOFFI® with Dr. Erin Ross
(.1 ASHA and AOTA CEUs) For more info, click here.
Course Description
In this episode, Michelle is joined by one of the Godmothers in the field of Pediatric Feeding Disorder, Erin Ross, Ph.D, CCC-SLP, the founder of Feeding FUNdamentals and the SOFFI® method. From the beautiful state of Colorado, Dr. Ross joins “First Bite” for an hour to talk about one of the great loves of her life…why preterm infants are at an increased risk for a pediatric feeding disorder and what we as the professional can do about it! Whether you work in the NICU, an Outpatient Clinic, or in Early Intervention Home Health, you won’t want to miss Dr. Ross sharing her years of wisdom and functional evidenced-based approaches behind SOFFI® to get out little ones safely and joyfully eating again! Happy Pediatric Feeding Disorder Month y’all ☺
By the end of this PodCourse, participants will be able to identify and describe:
- Why preterm infants are at an increased risk for a pediatric feeding disorder.
- The evidenced-based approaches behind SOFFI®.
- 3 most common feeding difficulties with older babies and younger children.
Erin Ross, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Dr. Erin Ross received her Ph.D from the University of Colorado in 2007, followed by a 2-year Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the Section of Nutrition at the University of Colorado Denver. Her Master’s Degree is in Speech and Language Pathology, from California State University Stansilaus, which she received in 1988. Dr. Ross is currently an assistant clinical professor in the Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, University of Colorado and is on faculty at the Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions. She has authored several book chapters and publications related to feeding preterm infants, infants with medical comorbidities, and children with pediatric feeding disorder (PFD).
Dr. Ross provides professional education and research consultation through Feeding Fundamentals ( She created SOFFI®, a training program for caregivers in the NICU and in Early Intervention ( , that has been taught all over the world. She continues to provide clinical consultation to several NICUs within the HealthONE system in Denver, Colorado.